Monday, January 3, 2011


Now that 2010 is over and 2011 has begun, I thought I would take a look back at my 2010 resolutions and see how I did, and make a couple for 2011.

So here is the list for 2010:

1. Pass the P.E. Check

2. Get to work on time in the morning. Kinda - I did well with this for a while and overall made improvements, but there were some days (like today, but its 2011 so today doesn't count!) where it didn't quite happen. I was better about staying a little late if I didn't make it on time though.

3. Run a half marathon. Check

4. Pay off student loans and be debt free.  Check

5. Organize my house and get rid of things we don't need. Kinda - I didn't make the progress I was hoping to, but this is an ongoing thing and we definitely did get rid of some things we don't need - in fact in December I took 10 bags of things to give away out of our house!

6. Cook 1 new meal each month. Kinda - I didn't quite get one new one each month, but probably about half that. I do have a couple new recipes that were successes that I have made again, so that is a success.

7. Go on a week-long vacation with Derek. Check
8. Have a personal retreat once a semester. Fail - I still hope to do this this year though.

9. Devote 10 minutes of each day to prayer. Fail - started off well, but every day was a lofty goal. I would say my prayer life improved though, so that is a success.

10. Be more intentional in my relationships. Kinda - this one is hard to measure. I would definitely say many relationships improved over the year, although not always due to my being intentional.

11. Start and finish my scrapbook. Big Fat Fail! I did make a family vacation scrapbook from my college years, but the organizing of photos of mine and Derek's relationship followed by putting them into a scrapbook did not happen. Maybe this year.

Looking back on 2010 it was definitely a success in many ways and I feel pretty good about all that was accomplished. This year though, I'm not feeling a big list of resolutions.  I've given it some thought and all I really want to do this year is grow closer to the Lord and glorify Him more. So I have a list of 3 not so specific things that I want to focus on this year:

1. Memorize scripture - I am decent at this, but I think if I am more intentional about it can only result in good things. On Beth Moore's blog she has a little challenge to memorize 24 verses this year, 1 every 2 weeks. I'm not going to check in or anything, but I like that pace, so I am going to shoot for 24 new verses. I still need to pick the first one though!

2. Simplify - I have been feeling somewhat overwhelmed by all that we have, so the goal this year is to throw out / donate / give away lots of things in an effort to live a life less cluttered by stuff to make more room for enjoying whatever it is that God has for us.

3. Give more - Again feeling overwhelmed by how much we have, and how there is nothing we really need,  I want to be much more discerning in what I purchase for myself, and live on less so that I may give more to others who are truly in need, as well as the furthering of God's kingdom.

So those are the goals for the year.  I feel good about the shortened list. What are your resolutions for this year? Or do you not do new years resolutions? I love reading other people's and I'm sure I will end up wanting to add more to the list!


Callie said...

Good resolutions for 2011! I don't really make resolutions, because I get too depressed when I fail - but I think your goals are great! I've been wanting to work on memorizing scripture too, but it never seems to happen - I used to be so much better at it.

Jennifer said...

I am super impressed with all the ones from last year that you did accomplish! I agree with your resolutions for this year though- it seems like when we grow in our relationship with God everything else flourishes as well. My big goal for 2011 is to find a new job!