Thursday, July 22, 2010

Identity Crisis

Well, I began a post that I was hoping to post yesterday, but haven't been able to, because I'm having a bit of a blog identity crisis.  I originally started this blog for two purposes. One was to record what has been going on in life, and be able to share that with friends and family, especially those that I don't get to see on a regular basis, and the second was to share what God is teaching me and hopefully that would be encouraging to others.

Lately God has been teaching me lots, but life has also been crazy. I'm not complaining about this at all, because it has been full of good things, but it hasn't left much time for blogging. I love keeping up with everyone else's blogs, and I want to keep up with mine because I know how much I like knowing what's going on in everyone else's lives and since you are reading this, I assume you like knowing what is going on in my life. But recently I have just been posting just to post, so I don't have long lapses of nothing.

I would love to have several hours to write down everything that is really going on, what God is really teaching me and share, but the truth is, I just don't have that time right now. Work is crazy (the post I started was about what I have been up to at work since its been so crazy) and life outside of work is equally crazy. I would feel overwhelmed if it weren't for God's peace and knowing that I can only do what I can do and He will take care of the rest.

Anywho, I guess the point of all this is that I don't know what to post since I feel like the posts I do throw together, are just that, thrown together. I would like to post something of some substance but just lack the time to put into it. So that leaves me here with this post explaining my issues of not wanting to post stuff just to have stuff on the blog. The good news is I will be heading to the beach next week with my in-laws, and hopefully I can carve out some time to gather all my thoughts on life recently and put together some decent posts. Or if nothing else, at least have some pretty pictures to share.

I just wanted you to know that if my blogging is not at all regular, that is why, and that even though I may not be great at updating my blog, I still love keeping up with yours and hope you will continue to stop by here, even if it isn't regularly updated :)

P.S. Thanks to those of you who have given me award recently. I haven't forgot about them. I am totally planning on doing a post for those, and look forward to giving them away!


the Poston's said...

i care about your life:)

i'll wait patiently for blogs. or i'll just ask you in person:)

Jennifer said...

I love you and your blog honesty! I check it when it's been too long between our visits and I need some Anne-scoop... mmmmm, sounds like ice cream! However, I'd rather hear it straight from you anyway, so call me when you get back from vacation. Have fun!

Callie said...

Oh, don't worry! We all go through dry blogging times. Life just gets busy every now and then. Can't wait until you can get us all caught up on everything! :-)