Monday, April 5, 2010


My half marathon training has been bringing me some pretty long runs these past few weekends, so in the interest of not running lots of laps, I joined my friend JB and the Todd's Road Stumblers running club at 7:00 am on Saturday to do my 11 mile run. The Todd's Road Stumblers are a running club that meets every Saturday to run, hang out and eat donuts. What's not to like? I even got a free t-shirt for it being my first time out. It's so beautiful out there and there are lots of hills which is good considering the flying pig has a real big hill. The roads are marked every half mile, so I can run out as far as I need to and then head back, and I don't have to do any laps and I have to finish my run in order to get back to my car. The folks there were real friendly, making me actually look forward to waking up at 6:00 am this weekend to go run my 12 miles.(That and the fact that I will be able to eat a donut this weekend since lent is over!) Only three more weekends of training til the big race!!!

1 comment:

carissa said...

wow, girl! you go! i can't wait to hear about how your half marathon goes! i love running... since i'm prego i haven't done it as much recently but this post makes me all the more anxious to!

you are so kind and encouraging. thank you for taking the time to read my extremely long post! your blog is adorable. we live close to each other! : ) i can't wait to follow you and get to "know" you!